Our Motto

“Grow in Love & Knowledge”

The Motto reflects the transparency of a system and highlights to grow in love and serve others willingly, graciously and selflessly. Our Motto is a constant reminder that education should illumine the path of learners and benefits all mankind, by serving others, we serve God.

Our Mission
To inculcate and nurture in the architects of tomorrow
  • Love for mankind
  • Capability and desire to add value to society.
  • Responsibility towards self, family and society.
  • Sensitivity to national and international concerns.
Our Vision
Every student passing out of this school must have grown in his/her sense of the divine, respect for human life, compassion for the poor, concern for justice, awareness of oppressive social structure and commitment to help to build a better human society. Therefore the school aims at:
  • The fullest development of the students God given talents.
  • Sound intellectual growth enabling reflective, logical and critical reasoning.
  • Developing the communicative skills.
  • Attitudinal formation of values of respect, love and service.
  • Development of sense of self-worth (realistic, knowledge, love and acceptance of self) and to become a reasonable individual within human community.
  • Development of an ability to critically assess the reality, the values and trends of the society, honestly confronting social injustices of racism and religious intolerance, violation of human rights, and the problems of the socially marginalized.
  • To cherish community values and learn to live harmoniously in the society.
  • To develop a spiritual vision of the world in the face of materialism, concern for others in the face of egoism and simplicity in the face of consumerism.